On Our Liar In Chief…

You may have heard, Donald Trump had an interview with Time very recently. An interview that earned him four Pinocchios from The Washington Post.

Most of us know full well that Trump has a serious problem with the truth. In fact no one that has been paying any real attention fails to see this.

Trump lies with such regularity that one cannot help but arrive at the consclusion he is a pathological liar. Just as a frame of reference… Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. … The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth.

Trump certainly appears to fit the above description. At least to the non medical layman. Whether Trump understands he is lying or actually believes his lies are the truth is really immaterial. Presidents of the United States of America must earn and maintain the respect of the people of our nation. As well as  that of the entire free world. A pathological liar cannot do that.

Trump has the support of less than 40% of the American people, and, it continues to head south. Little by little. The only real question is, how long before he hits the bottom? The logical next question is,  how will he be able to continue to govern?

Our hope was for Trump to be a successful president. A hope he would put on the presidential cap, begin to tell the truth, and become a unifier rather than the divider he has chooses to be. It now seem almost conclusive that will never happen. We are likely stuck with a pig in a poke for his 4 year term.

Read the list of falsehoods Trump spewed during his Time interview HERE. It is an extensive one..

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Retired from manufacturing management in 2012. Currently an active semi retired NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Exercise, philosophy, politics, government, science, and family occupies my non working and sleeping hours. Destroying the rancid acrimony that exists between conservatives and liberals, an acrimony destroying the very fabric of our society, is the ends to which this site dedicates itself.

2 thoughts on “On Our Liar In Chief…”

  1. Trump doesn’t need things such has “evidence” or “facts” because he is “very instinctual”. If he “institutionally knows” something is true, that is MORE than good enough. As per a recent Yahoo News story:

    President Trump says he doesn’t necessarily need facts before making such evidence-free claims as, say, former President Barack Obama’s wiretapping the phones at Trump Tower, because they’ve later been proved right.

    “I’m a very instinctual person”, Trump told Time magazine… “But my instinct turns out to be right … Trump said such predictions are why he believes other unsubstantiated claims, like 3 million undocumented people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election, will be proved right, too”.

    1. Trump is infallible in his own mind. He really believes HE is truth.

      Even when the evidence clearl y shows he is FOS.

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