Topless in Public…

The USA has always been kinda anal when female nudity is the subject. Exactly how it is that a natural state became a state to look upon as unnatural, unbecoming, or worse yet, dirty, has always puzzled me.

That it’s okay for males to strut around bare chested in a speedo but females have to cover their chests simple because they have larger breasts has always seemed odd to me. But then again I’ve have never been a bible thumper so maybe tat explains it.

Anyhoo, the following article from patheos was something I found interesting and, in a way, a tad comical.

Can women go topless in public spaces in Oklahoma?

A recent court decision suggests the answer is yes, but it’s a bit complicated.

After Fort Collins, Colorado passed an ordinance banning women from going topless, an appeals court ruled earlier this year that the ruling was unconstitutional. Women could wear (or not wear) whatever they damn well wanted, and if men were allowed to not wear shirts in certain public spaces, women couldn’t be punished for doing the same thing. This week, Fort Collins officials said they would accept the decision, which means the appeals court ruling stands. That also means such topless bans are effectively forbidden everywhere covered by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, including Oklahoma and several .

One lawyer says that’s not entirely true, though. Because state law prohibits female toplessness, cops could still arrest women who aren’t wearing tops, but those women could then point to the 10th Circuit’s decision in their defense. (Legally speaking, the local bans are now unenforceable.) Also, if women are presenting their breasts in a sexual way, they could still be arrested for “outraging public decency or indecent exposure.” (The same law enforcement official who said that also suggested topless women should be blamed if men sexually assaulted them. Yikes.)

I bring all this up because Oklahoma Republican State Rep. Jim Olsen chimed in on this issue over the weekend, insisting that toplessness was still prohibited throughout the state. His post included the phrase “silly woman” twice — referring to any woman who wanted to go topless — and argued that cops should continue arresting women who commit such “reprehensible conduct.”

The comment thread is full of people pointing out the absurdity of a lawmaker pretending this is a serious problem and Olsen chiming in to insist women covering themselves up is biblical and therefore good.

Whenever Republicans are defending the word “harlot,” you know they never should’ve been in public office…

Olsen, by the way, only won his seat with a very narrow majority in 2018. He’s beatable with the right candidate and voters who give a damn about their state representatives.

Clicking on the patheos link will take you to screeshots of Olsen’s replies to a commenter on Twitter.

About the author

A man of varying interest who spent much of my life trying to excel at that which I did not love but rather at what I felt I would make more money doing. A mistake as it turned out, one probably made by many. But what the heck, it paid the bills and gave me a good life. Writing, music, and ballroom dancing are my hobbies, dancing I rarely get a chance to do anymore because of time and ailments. But hey, we all get older. My passions? Philosophy, politics and the quaint notion that we all deserve to be free of oppressive government. My strongest beliefs? That government should be limited, that individuals are more important than the collective, that capitalism is the most effective way to motivate people and create wealth, and that liberty carries with it a great responsibility. Many people today seem unwilling or unable to recognize this. My burning desire? To maintain a website/blog with the goal of helping to shift the political discourse in America back to a more reasoned and nuanced tone. and away from the divisive and bigoted rhetoric of the present age under the Trump administration.

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