Will Trump Honor His Pleadge To Donate His Salary? We’ll Just Have To Wait To See…

Trump pledged to take no salary ($400,000/yr.) if he were elected president. He has received two full paychecks from the treasury, February and March. As of now the White, the Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management have all declined to respond to inquiries.

NBCPresident Donald Trump pledged to forego a presidential salary, but as his second payday approaches, the White House is declining to say if the president has donated any of his earnings yet.

During the campaign, Trump promised he would take “no salary” if elected — a pledge he reiterated after he won.

“I’m not going to the take the salary,” he told 60 Minutes” in November.

The Constitution, however, requires that the president receive a salary, and that it not be reduced during his term. Federal law mandates the president receive a $400,000 annual salary, paid out once a month.

Trump aides have previously said Trump would donate his salary to the Treasury Department or a charity.

MSNBC requested details and documentation about any salary donations from the White House, the Treasury Department and the Office of Personnel Management, which all declined to say whether Trump has donated any of his salary to date. (OPM referred questions to the White House.)

Last month, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the website Politifact that Trump “will be giving” his salary “back to Treasury or donating.” The site noted the White House “declined to answer several inquiries into whether Trump has gotten a paycheck already.”

Under the law, Trump would receive his first monthly paycheck for $33,333 in February, and another $33,333 on March 20.

We’ll wait to see if Trump simply fed the American people another line of his typical baloney or not. If you’re a better don’t bet on Trump’s integrity. You’ll likely be a loser.

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Retired from manufacturing management in 2012. Currently an active semi retired NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Exercise, philosophy, politics, government, science, and family occupies my non working and sleeping hours. Destroying the rancid acrimony that exists between conservatives and liberals, an acrimony destroying the very fabric of our society, is the ends to which this site dedicates itself.

4 thoughts on “Will Trump Honor His Pleadge To Donate His Salary? We’ll Just Have To Wait To See…”

    1. It isn’t looking at all good. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that it is as likely for Moose to fly as it is for Trump to be a man of integrity.

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