The Golfing POTUS Extraordinaire…


Ayup. We now know for certain Trump’s proprieties. And we’re wondering why the conservatives and republicans are so silent.  Never mind, we’re petty sure we know the answer…

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Retired from manufacturing management in 2012. Currently an active semi retired NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Exercise, philosophy, politics, government, science, and family occupies my non working and sleeping hours. Destroying the rancid acrimony that exists between conservatives and liberals, an acrimony destroying the very fabric of our society, is the ends to which this site dedicates itself.

4 thoughts on “The Golfing POTUS Extraordinaire…”

  1. Did you hear, he’s got the Chinese coming to see him at Mar-a-Lago, and they won’t golf! The Premier says it’s a “rich man’s game.” LOL!


    1. I heard he was hosting the Premier and his entourage. I did not realize the Premier didn’t or won’t golf.

  2. ” And we’re wondering why the conservatives and republicans are so silent. Never mind, we’re petty sure we know the answer…”

    Yeah. The people who squawked about President Obama’s golfing trips are completely silent about Lord Dampnut’s weekly golfing trips. They’re the same people who sniffed at President Obama’s Christianity, claiming he was a secret Moslem, and asked “Who even saw him go to church?”

    When’s the last time we got a photo-op of tRump and his lovely Wife #3 leaving a Christian church on Sunday? Every time a president with a “D” after his name was in the White House, the fake Christians on the Right counted the number of times he went to church. This time? Not so much. Why?

    “We’re pretty sure we know the answer.”

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