Sarah Palin Weighing In…

Alaska’s former republican 1/2 term governor and failed 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has surfaced again. This time to sound off on FBI Director Comey’s testimony that President Obama did indeed not order Trump’s phones to be wiretapped. Trump’s allegations of wiretapping and surveillance are false. Trump,  the nation’s chief purveyor of alternative facts has lied again.

The former beauty queen and publicity hound is suggesting  Comey is tainted because of ties with the Clinton Foundation. On her Facebook page she said the swamp runs deep while questioning why there has been no congressional investigation on what she sees as a conflict of interest issue.

Palin is not the only one on board with the Clinton connection meme. Breitbart “News”, one of America’s premier conspiracy theory publications,  published an article in September of 2016 claiming Comey  is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. Like most things Breitbart it went nowhere. Groundless sensationalism generally does.

Our guess is Palin, sensing an opportunity to find her way back into the political limelight, and ingratiate herself with the present POTUS at the same time , believes it will somehow make her relevant again.

THE HILL has more.

The Surreal State Of American Politics & Government In The Era Of Trump…

A lie by any other name or explanation remains a lie. Unless you are a Trump surrogate who willingly and without question accepts alternative facts as truth.

We know Trump is attempting to build an army of supporters and surrogates who will blindly accept his alternative facts simply because HE states them. No evidence or proof is necessary. Because he is The Donald anything he claims to be true must be true.

All hail The Donald who is making Make America Great “Again”. 

Perhaps it is just me, but I’ll ask anyway. Does anyone else sniff the oder of an American dystopia in the making?

The Washington Post – It was a rough night for Jeffrey Lord, CNN’s preeminent surrogate for President Trump.

During a panel discussion on “Anderson Cooper 360” Monday evening, Lord and seven other commentators discussed the president’s baseless claims that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign. When the conversation turned to Trump’s credibility, Lord appeared to be the lone guest unwilling to call the president a liar.

On an average day, that might have been par for the course for Lord, who has established himself as a reliable Trump booster since joining CNN as a paid analyst in the summer of 2015.

But Lord’s interlocutors weren’t having it. Hours earlier, FBI Director James B. Comey had snuffed out Trump’s wiretapping allegations, testifying under oath that there was “no information” indicating Obama had spied on his campaign. Even Comey was calling Trump a liar, they argued.

Lord saw it differently, repeating the claim by some Trump backers that he didn’t mean what he said about wiretapping and therefore couldn’t be lying.

Trump, he said, was speaking “Americanese” when he tweeted that Obama had orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot against him. The president’s supporters knew what he meant, but Washington insiders didn’t and blew it out of proportion.

Cooper and other guests seemed baffled.“What you’re arguing then is the FBI and the Justice Department are mistaken for taking the president literally because they don’t speak Americanese?” Cooper asked.

Other guests continued to press the issue.

“The whole world had a chance to watch this unfold, and it was a direct test of his credibility. And the whole world now knows he lied about it,” former White House aide David Gergen said of Trump.

“We’ve seen it again and again,” Gergen continued. “When we have a president who is a congenital liar, it really matters.”

Lord tried to jump back in with an attack on Obama, but Cooper cut him off.


Comey Confirms Trump’s Allegations Obama Had His Phones Wiretapped Are False…

So, Trump was wrong. And, for folks like me we suspect he knew he was wrong all the while. He willfully spouted lies to mislead the American people and he should be held to account for it.

Most likely Trump will pass it off that he was given misinformation, pick a scapegoat, and fire him or her. Then, all will be forgone and forgiven.

I suppose there is an outside chance he’ll double down, turn on Comey, and,… you get the picture. He’s that much of a “narcissist”, and, he is crazy. Right?

The Washington PostOn the 60th day of his presidency came the hardest truth for Donald Trump.

He was wrong.

James B. Comey — the FBI director whom Trump celebrated on the campaign trail as a gutsy and honorable “Crooked Hillary” truth-teller — testified under oath Monday what many Americans had already assumed: Trump had falsely accused his predecessor of wiretapping his headquarters during last year’s campaign.

Trump did not merely allege that former president Barack Obama ordered surveillance on Trump Tower, of course. He asserted it as fact, and then reasserted it, and then insisted that forthcoming evidence would prove him right.

But in Monday’s remarkable, marathon hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Comey said there was no such evidence. Trump’s claim, first made in a series of tweets on March 4 at a moment when associates said he was feeling under siege and stewing over the struggles of his young presidency, remains unfounded

Comey did not stop there. He confirmed publicly that the FBI was investigating possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and associates with Russia, part of an extraordinary effort by an adversary to influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election in Trump’s favor.

Questions about Russia have hung over Trump for months, but the president always has dismissed them as “fake news.” That became much harder Monday after the FBI director proclaimed the Russia probe to be anything but fake.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”


Are We Really Who We Profess To Be?…

Here we are, precisely at the same place we were yesterday, last week, last month, and last year. Trying to determine just exactly how in the hell this nation of immigrants with the best governmental system known to humankind got so goddamned screwed up.

A bunch of educated and liberal individuals, revolutionary actually, decided to revolt against a rather liberal monarchy and in the process built a system that recognized the supremacy of the individual rather than the state. A system built on the rule of law rather than the whim of a particular individual or group of individuals.

Our founders warned against foreign entanglements. Yet over our 240 year history we have managed to regularly become entangled in many foreign adventures, including even saving the world from Fascism and Communist totalitarianism. A admirable thing. Note, Karl Marx was not a fan of totalitarianism, in  fact Marx despised the totalitarian state. Don’t confuse 20’th century communism  with 19’th century Marxism. They are not one in the same.

Back to America. What in the hell is wrong with us? A nation of immigrants with a statue that proclaims liberty and welcomes all with the following.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Yet we  elected a man who campaigned on emotions intended to result n closing the door to the above values. Why? Fear? Bigotry? Racism? Ignorance? What? Do we even question our inner feelings or motives as a nation anymore?

It s hard to know just what freedom and liberty means these days. Is it freedom and liberty as long as it is of the type we approve of while that we disapprove of is considered tyranny? It often seems that way listening to and reading a lot of the political stuff offered as gospel these days.

Freedom. Liberty. Indeed. We all have the right to experience and enjoy the blessing of both. It is our right as individuals and no one has the right to deny or take away our freedom and liberty. But, and this is all important but, freedom and liberty is not free. Freedom and liberty requires and demands that the rights to freedom and liberty of others be respected. With freedom and liberty comes a great responsibility, to respect the freedom ad liberty of others to be free. Een when you disagree with their views.

We must add to the above, just so NO ONE misunderstands, absolutely no one has the right to forcibly infringe on one the rights and freedoms of another, unless it is in an act of self-defense against someone attempting to infringe upon your rights and freedoms.

A final note to the above. The only justification for violence against another human being is in an act of self-defense against a perpetrator of violence against you.

 Simple. Philosophically pure and consistent.  Yet we’ve managed to make our founding ideals complicated so as to fit some ideological perspective.

That’s  our perspective, feel free to leave yours.


Trump Says “Very Interesting Items” To Be Revealed On Alleged Surveilance…

Again Trump defends his unsubstantiated claim that President Obama ordered surveillance on his phones.  Apparently another Trump alternative fact distraction.

Trump is saying that information could be revealed that could prove him right. Again he gave no evidence to support his allegations.

This is reminiscent of birther activities back in 2011 when he  claimed that “an ‘extremely credible source’” called him to tell him President Obama’s birth certificate was fake. If memory serves he was going to drop a real bombshell on that one. Result? A yuuuuuge nothing. Why, it wasn’t true. Just Trump BS.

So, anyone willing to place odds on this one? True, or, another Trump falsehood?

From The Washington Post:

President Trump on Wednesday defended his unsubstantiated claim that former president Barack Obama ordered surveillance on his phones at Trump Tower in New York during last fall’s campaign.

Trump again offered no evidence to support his wiretapping accusation, but he maintained in an interview with Fox News Channel that information would soon be revealed that could prove him right.

“Wiretap covers a lot of different things,” Trump said. “I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks.”

Trump made his comments during an interview with Fox host Tucker Carlson that is scheduled for the cable channel Wednesday evening. {MORE}

We patiently await credible sources to substantiate his allegations. And, we likely will be waiting for a very, very, long time. If history hold…