Stardust Played By The Man With The Golden Horn…

The smooth horn of Billy Butterfield playing Stardust. From his 1961 recording on The Golden Horn album.

One of my mother’s and father’s favorites. I used to play this on my horn every so often back in the day.

This one’s for you mom and dad. Wherever you may be I know you’re dancing.

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Retired from manufacturing management in 2012. Currently an active semi retired NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Exercise, philosophy, politics, government, science, and family occupies my non working and sleeping hours. Destroying the rancid acrimony that exists between conservatives and liberals, an acrimony destroying the very fabric of our society, is the ends to which this site dedicates itself.

4 thoughts on “Stardust Played By The Man With The Golden Horn…”

  1. Oh wow! I just figured this out! Les, instead of having people click the calender, could you just have your posts show on your main page? IO just now figured this out!


    1. As soon as I figure out how not to have a stream of posts that never ends. It is an easy change but even though I select only the 5 most recent posts to display the program will run on, and on, and on,…

      That at I kind of like the way I set it up. Like I said, I’m lazy and ain’t feeling up to spending a lot of time on it right now. Perhaps someday I’ll invest in the Cadillac WordPress. Right now I’m too cheap to do so.

      1. Oh, and there is this as well… I thought the trolls probably wouldn’t take the time to read enough to get to the material and I wouldn’t have to keep deleting their pointless sh*t. So far it has worked beautifully.

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