Conspiracy Theorist And Trump Ally Becomes Unhinged And Irrational…

Everyone who knows of Alex Jones knows he’s an unhinged raving lunatic lacking in rational intelligence, emotional  self-control, and without any respect for decency. In short he is a belligerent loud mouthed bully.

Jones trades in conspiracy theories , theories for which there is no evidence. Other than that he imagines in his apparently empty skull. Yet he has millions of followers who believe his claims, most often without checking their veracity. Few even question the obvious lack of rational thought.

Watch this clip of a Jones tirade March 30th while he was on the air with Roger Stone. Text follows the video.

Jones’ language  and behavior is a disgrace to the libertarian movement that he claims to be a part of.  As are his false facts and alternative reality conspiracy theories.

On Our Liar In Chief…

You may have heard, Donald Trump had an interview with Time very recently. An interview that earned him four Pinocchios from The Washington Post.

Most of us know full well that Trump has a serious problem with the truth. In fact no one that has been paying any real attention fails to see this.

Trump lies with such regularity that one cannot help but arrive at the consclusion he is a pathological liar. Just as a frame of reference… Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. … The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth.

Trump certainly appears to fit the above description. At least to the non medical layman. Whether Trump understands he is lying or actually believes his lies are the truth is really immaterial. Presidents of the United States of America must earn and maintain the respect of the people of our nation. As well as  that of the entire free world. A pathological liar cannot do that.

Trump has the support of less than 40% of the American people, and, it continues to head south. Little by little. The only real question is, how long before he hits the bottom? The logical next question is,  how will he be able to continue to govern?

Our hope was for Trump to be a successful president. A hope he would put on the presidential cap, begin to tell the truth, and become a unifier rather than the divider he has chooses to be. It now seem almost conclusive that will never happen. We are likely stuck with a pig in a poke for his 4 year term.

Read the list of falsehoods Trump spewed during his Time interview HERE. It is an extensive one..

The Repentant Glenn Beck…


Many say a leopard can’t change his spots. Hell, I’ve even said the narcissistic Liar In Chief President Donald J. Trump, a leopard of sorts himself, cannot change his spots after 70 years of being him. Then along comes this. Glenn Beck taking responsibility. Cleansing his soul and repenting of his divisive rhetoric. Perhaps he had an epiphany that changed him, who knows. But if sincere it is indeed a good thing.

The Washington PostThe so-called liberal media are preaching the good news about Glenn Beck in unison: He is redeemed! “Glenn Beck Is Sorry About All That,” the New York Times says. The New Yorker announces that “Glenn Beck Tries Out Decency.” The Atlantic catalogues “Glenn Beck’s Regrets.”

In the publications that Beck for years dismissed as an effete elite that had led the nation astray, the notion that Beck has now apologized for everything he did to make America an uglier, louder, more fractious place is just too delicious to resist. Now, in a moment of deep gloom for the nation’s intellectuals, life delivers a gleaming gift: Glenn Beck, godfather to the tea party, cable news rabble-rouser of the first order, a hawker of ornate and dire conspiracy theories, not only has spent the past year as a Never Trumper but also has spurned his past and is testifying to the power of love, understanding and empathy — for liberals!

For those who yearn to believe the movement that made President Trump possible is having serious second thoughts, the new Glenn Beck seems heaven sent.

Seven years ago, Beck was the fourth most admired man in the country (just ahead of the pope). He shouted, he explained, he wept, he drew intricate charts on his chalkboard to show how evil forces were conspiring against good Americans. He sowed fear and gathered up his minions to form an army of righteous anger, who stormed the nation’s capital a hundred-thousand strong to stand tall for the Constitution, determined to fulfill the prophecy that Beck, a Mormon, had described to them: a stirring tale of the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith’s followers parading through the streets of Utah, with only the Constitution to protect them.

Back then, Beck was the bad boy of cable, on CNN’s HLN channel and then on Fox News — one more former Top 40 radio disc jockey who, like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern and many other influential stars of talk radio, had switched from spinning the hits to spinning the news, always remembering the laws of Top 40: Keep it simple, keep it moving, never stop selling.

Beck has stopped the music.

“I’m not willing to do this anymore,” he says. He leans over, drops his head as if in penitence and pronounces himself riven with regrets.

Now, at 53, Beck sees a nation of people who are at one another’s throats, and he blames his language, his meanness and his assaults, his constant selling of the idea that the other side was evil and that his side had the one true answer. He believes that his radio show and his TV shows and his rallies on the Mall paved the way for the incivility, intolerance and general indigestion that now plagues the body politic.

“I did and said terrible things,” Beck says. “I did my thinking out loud and it’s one of my worst aspects. But I haven’t changed my principles. I’ve changed the way I phrase things — for example, I’m trying to ban the word ‘evil’ from my lexicon. I didn’t notice how my language could be interpreted by half the country as racist. I lacked humility. I was the height of arrogance.”

But has Glenn Beck REALLY changed? Continue on BELOW THE FOLD to find out.

Our Nation’s Most Powerful Check On President Trump…

Just finished reading an interesting opinion article of truth by The Washington Post editorial board. Donald Trump during his campaign for the presidency and in his address to the joint session of congress made many promises, promises that reality will block him from keeping. Both domestic and global realities will prevent Trump from succeeding in providing his vision of Making America Great Again.

THE ELECTION of President Trump has prompted a lot of talk about the checks and balances of the American constitutional system. As guarantors of freedom and stability, James Madison’s cherished devices — separation of powers, an independent judiciary, freedom of the press — will be tested as never before, it has been said. But another potential check on presidential action has gotten less attention: the sheer power of reality. There are some things Mr. Trump won’t be able to do because, well, he just can’t. Call it the reality check.

To be clear: We are not referring to political reality. Of course there are certain things the president can’t do, at least not immediately, because of opposition at home or abroad: In the face of Arab-world opposition, for example, he has hesitated on his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. What we have in mind, rather, are things that are impossible, period — such as massively cutting taxes and leaving entitlement programs alone, while simultaneously reducing the federal debt. Or deconstructing the “administrative state ” while beefing up the federal government’s capacity to find and deport undocumented immigrants. Or protecting a sacrosanct right to gun ownership while stopping the mayhem in Chicago.

The contradictions have been heightening as Mr. Trump and his team attempt to cobble together a federal budget, with a blueprint for discretionary spending due on March 16. At his Senate hearing to be confirmed as treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin asserted forcefully that the Internal Revenue Service needed more funding, which would more than pay for itself in enhanced tax compliance. Yet the White House budget office, searching for cuts to pay for Mr. Trump’s proposed $54 billion defense increase, has proposed slashing the already tight IRS budget 14.1 percent. Mr. Trump is bound and determined to step up security along the U.S.-Mexico border, including by building a wall. To get the resources, his budgeters are reportedly targeting the Coast Guard’s $9 billion budget for a $1.3 billion cut. Sounds like an invitation for drug smugglers and migrants to come in by water instead of by land.

Mr. Trump’s pitch to the American electorate in 2016 was that they could have it all — low taxes and generous government benefits; a dynamic economy that “protects” existing jobs — and that the only thing preventing this nirvana was the perfidy of Washington’s elite. Entrust me with power, he declared, and everything will be different. Of all his many false promises, this was probably both the most effective and the phoniest. Government’s resources and capabilities are limited, and trade-offs are real. Like all his predecessors, Mr. Trump will be forced, by reality, to set priorities and make choices, whether he ever acknowledges that openly or not. And sooner or later, he will be held accountable for them.

One of these realities, our constitution and rule of law, thankfully stands solidly in the way of Trump achieving his authoritarian agenda. Another powerful force standing in Trump’s way is the free and independent press with its multitude of ethical journalists that continue to call Trump out on his falsehoods.